Book Video Review: The Storm Within Her by Ami Spencer – Ebook

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LESBIreviewed Review:

The Storm Within Her by Ami Spencer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Very Emotional!

When Kate and Seph first met, they knew they had an undeniable connection, but Kate was already married. The circumstances that bring them back into one another’s lives are less than ideal, but Kate recognises something with Seph has changed, but her feelings have not and she has to make difficult decisions if she really wants Seph in her life.

Such a beautiful story about second chances at love, finding yourself, and exploring the deeper and darker emotions that can have such an impact on life. The story does deal with some very sensitive subjects that some readers may find triggering but each and every one of the events was pivotal to understanding Seph’s story and all handle with the upmost sensitivity and care by Ami. We really got to know Kate and Seph quite intimately and they were both dealing with very different emotional experiences. Kate was coming to terms with feelings for Seph and what admitting to them would do to her family, whereas Seph was dealing with more dark and traumatic experiences that spiralled her down a dark path. I was so glad she had Kate for support though, she was loving and attentive, and despite what she was going through Seph was her priority.

I admired Kate’s strength greatly because she already wasn’t having an easy time of it herself, and I then had to do the same for Seph because she tried so hard to hide her pain and suffering from Kate, as she didn’t want to add to her problems. Together they were amazing, and their relationship was one of strength and true love. What surprised me the most was Kate’s family, all the different reactions, but from some of them they were completely not what I expected and it surprised me in the most wonderful way.

I really loved the story, it had such deep and meaningful exploration of love and dealing with emotions.

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