Book Video Review: The Show Must Go On by Melissa Tereze – Ebook

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LESBIreviewed Review:

The Show Must Go On by Melissa Tereze

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Hayley and Diane are enjoying their life together in Ibiza. Everything is perfect until they help an injured girl in the street. But suddenly Hayley’s past is creeping up on her and with everything going on, Hayley gets to experience a different side of Diane. Now they just have to make sure everything doesn’t rip their relationship apart!

An amazing sequel to The Stepmother! What was so wonderful about this story was that even though it is part of a series, and I recommend reading The Stepmother first because it’s equally as amazing, you can read this story standalone and still get enough to understand Hayley and Diane’s story. The tropical setting of Ibiza added an edge of luxury to the story, and a longing for such a chilled way of life that Diane and Hayley had. It lulled you into a tranquil and relaxed feeling for the story, so when the drama started it did so with a woah moment.

I love Hayley and Diane, their passion and love for one another was genuine and strong and I believed they’d survive even the hardest of times. But some of the things Hayley and Diane were dealing with were not little bumps, and I had moments where I really did worry. More so for Hayley because the emotional turmoil of each and every revelation would have destroyed most people. Then again, Hayley isn’t most people and with Diane being so supportive and amazing, she had everything she needed to survive it all and just add to the richness of her life.

Just fantastic and I loved every second of it. There was not a dull moment and by the end I was so happy for Hayley and Dianne and know they have an amazing future awaiting!

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