Book Video Review: The Land Of Death And Devil’s Club by Bailey Bridgewater – Ebook

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LESBIreviewed Review:

The Land of Death and Devil’s Club by Bailey Bridgewater

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Intense mystery!

Not satisfied with not having caught the man behind the murders of her last case, Louisa is determined to find him and get justice. On a mission to track his movements, everything is heightened when the grandchild of one of Louisa’s colleagues goes missing.

Following on from Come Find Me In The Midnight Sun, I recommend reading that before starting this story. It provides all the explanation to really understand who’s who in this story, and Louisa’s motivations for catching the person behind the murders. She’s driven, and it’s completely understandable when things get a little too close to home why she hesitates for letting Dolly’s grandchild get involved in all this. Yet, the payout of catching such a terrible person, also drove her to think twice.

So much was revealed throughout the story that had me gasping! I was completely shocked when we learned more about the whole operation. I adore Louisa, and how much she cares about everyone, getting justice, and making sure everyone is recognised for their efforts and kept safe. Despite the intensity and difficulties she has to endure, she never loses her true self, and even when her focus wavers a little, it isn’t long before she gets perspective and back on track.

This was such an emotional story, keeping me on the edge of my seat and invested in learning if they could finally get the all important answers they needed.

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