Book Video Review: Behind Her Eyes by Melissa Tereze – Ebook

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LESBIreviewed Review:

Behind Her Eyes by Melissa Tereze

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Abi finds herself unexpectedly in the company of Victoria Adley, who owns a Michelin-starred restaurant she has always dreamed of working in. Victoria can’t help but be drawn to Abi and starts falling for her, but with tabloid rumours and lies surrounding an incident with an employee, she is worried what will happen if she and Abi explore their attraction further and the wider world become privy to their private life.

A fantastic story, reminding us that no matter who you are there is opportunity for kindness in this world, whether it is you being kind to someone in need, or kindness finding you in a moment of need. I loved how fate connected Abi and Victoria by chance, and then the fact they were both full of goodness meant they could help one another. Victoria was more than generous, and Abi was super lucky their paths had crossed. Abi’s position broke my heart at first and I was so glad she managed to find support and shelter with Victoria, who stereotypes teach would be the last person to help.

There was a great balance, as there always is in Melissa’s stories, of drama, emotion, romance, and steamier moments to build an experience to really immerse you in the story. The descriptions were vibrant, painting clear pictures of all the luxury in Victoria’s life but reminding that despite all she had, it wasn’t enough to make her happy. Abi became a great support to Victoria too, a reminder that she didn’t have to be frightened and that they could truly find happiness. It was great to steal those moments with them though, where the rest of the world just didn’t exist and they were just being themselves.

A great story with fantastic characters I hope we’ll get future stories about! Really enjoyed every second of it and cannot recommend it enough.

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