Book Video Review: Broken by Ami Spencer – Ebook

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LESBIreviewed Review:

Broken by Ami Spencer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Very moving!

Callie finds her world turned upside down when Jackie comes back into her life. Having walked away without explanation years ago when Callie needed her most, Jackie knows something isn’t quite right with Callie again, but she doesn’t know if helping this time is going to answer questions she has from the past.

There was a very deep emotional connection in this story between the characters and the reader. Ami has really captured Callie and Jackie in a way that means you can easily empathise with their situations, both past and present, and get deeper meaning and understanding of them, their actions, and their thoughts. Given all Callie had been through, which is revealed slowly throughout the story when something happens to shed light on the past, I really admired her strength. Not everyone would have been able to handle things as well as she was despite everything she is currently going through with her career and life.

Not much was revealed about Jackie at first but I somehow knew they’d be justifiable explanations for what had happened between them in the past, and it was obvious from the second Jackie walked back into her life that something special existed between her and Callie. Their connection was strong and they easily picked up without too much tension or awkwardness between them, even if they felt differently about it. I was so glad Jackie was there for Callie this time and they got that second chance to work on what was very special between them.

The whole story, from Callie and Jackie’s past and present relationship, to their individual stories were so emotional and I really felt a connection with them personally. The story focuses importantly on addressing mental health and how everyone just needs support and love, and no matter how bad things get are deserving of the same happiness as everyone else.

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