VIDEO REVIEW: High October by Elena Graf 
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High October by Elena Graf

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Quite the rollercoaster!

Liz and Maggie knew each other in college, but now forty years later they are reunited as a result of an act of fate. Maggie is injured whilst working a small town performance in Maine, and the doctor at her rescue just so happens to be Liz. While Maggie is recovering from her injuries she stays with Liz, giving them an opportunity to catch up, and rekindle that flame extinguished years ago. After all these years they are getting that chance to be happy they had once thought they might get, but nothing is ever as simple as it seems, and the road to happiness for these two isn’t easy.

The most endearing thing about this story was that it didn’t fit the standard norms for romance. The main characters were both representing older women, which was absolutely wonderful to see. It made an interesting dynamic, and covered topics that might not be covered in other romances within this genre. Elena also took quite sensitive subjects and handled them in a very realistic way. There was a lot going on for Liz and Maggie, and after everything they went through it made this story very angsty.

It really was drama filled because of all the history, and the characters personalities. Although Liz and Maggie had quite a chemistry after all those years, a true love that had been forbidden, they also had a lot of differences of opinion. Maggie needed help and support, and was very worried about everything, whereas Liz was strong, seeing things in black and white, and extremely stubborn. They balanced each other nicely and that really added to the plot and building the story.

I really enjoyed reading something that was a bit different, and recommend this story for anyone looking for romance with representation of older women.

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